
Impact on the environment

Environmental impacts are a key issue in the modern construction sector, especially in the context of nature conservation and sustainable development, especially on islands like Croatia. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the construction sector in Croatia has a significant impact on the environment, i.e., annually generates significant amounts of waste, energy consumption and emissions. This impact becomes particularly pronounced in areas such as islands, where ecosystems are often more sensitive to change.

When it comes to our clients showing concern about the environmental impact of their construction projects on the island, understanding this issue becomes crucial. Sustainable planning and execution of construction projects are becoming essential in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment. The implementation of environmentally conscious practices includes reducing waste, using renewable energy sources and using materials with a low carbon footprint.

In accordance with global sustainability trends, Panorama Group is committed to solving this problem. We offer solutions that include environmentally friendly practices in the construction sector, thereby providing our clients with the possibility of environmentally responsible construction. This not only meets the expectations of environmentally conscious clients, but also contributes to the long-term preservation of the natural beauty of the islands in Croatia.