Glavni projekt
Projekt je zelo pomembna naloga, ki mora vsebovati opis hiše, oziroma vašo podrobno vizijo bodoče nepremičnine. Za predvidevanje stroškov gradnje je seveda pomemben tudi razpoložljivi proračun.
Ob prvem koraku, ki je zahteva za določitev posebnih pogojev, se odda idejna rešitev. Glavni projekt obsega: arhitekturni projekt, konstrukcijski projekt, elektrotehnični projekt, strojni projekt in geodetski projekt.
for the main project, depending on the type of construction, i.e. the works, the preparation of an elaboration for which the need is shown is preceded, and this is then a written contribution in which a subject is thoroughly explained. Special conditions are established before the building permit issuance procedure. Public law bodies (HEP, MUP, Hrvatske vode and other relevant bodies in the process...) are obliged, at the request of the investor, to establish special conditions for the construction of the building shown in the main project and issue a certificate of the main project if the conditions are met.